Last trip of the season

After leaving the boat in Belleville for a month I’m back aboard for the final segment of the season. I decided to haul for the winter at Wiggers in Bowmanville. Seems like a competent small yard, not too expensive and relatively close to Toronto. The boating business has really changed in the 30 years since I was immersed in it. Wiggers was a pretty well known and busy semi-custom boatbuilder in the 80s. Then they survived on major service and restoration work for a long time. These days they use their shop for heated indoor storage.

I write this from the Murray Canal. I came down here from Belleville this evening. Unsettled weather today, blowing pretty hard from the East and rain at times heavy but it looks like a great forecast tomorrow for the 50 mile run down Lake Ontario.

I still really like this boat and the style of boating it provides. Was nice to hang out inside for the blustery and wet trip down the Bay of Quinte.

Edit Feb 2018 – I meant to report fuel in this blog. Filled up at the end of the trip, first fuelling since the Erie Canal. My recollection is that it took about 625 litres.