Farewell, Canada

North Channel

We’ve entered the US. The cruising permit for Escapade is good for a year. I’m anchored here off Drummond Island.

The weather has been exceptionally nice. Calm, clear, sunny and unusually warm. I’m writing this at 8 pm with all my hatches open, and have been living in shorts.

The forecast for more of the same for the next 5 days. My plan is to explore the Upper Peninsula in that time, working my way along the coast to Escanaba then down into Green Bay. It’s great to have a weather window.

Not much to report. I spent last night at Blind River, and the night before in Gore Bay. There are a few straggling loopers, so I’m not entirely alone in my travels.

Filled up with fuel (510 l) and water and pumped out at Blind River. Previous stop was six weeks and 620 NM earlier.

Gore Bay

Clapperton Island

Sun setting behind Harbour Island

I’m anchored here in Clapperton Harbour. Nice spot. Weather is lovely, and is forecast to continue into next week.

Today I slept in, had late lunch in Little Current, then continued on to arrive here at dusk. Tomorrow I’ll go over to Gore Bay.

There’s one trawler anchored nearby, and I met a looper from Florida in Little Current. I think those are the only boats I’ve seen underway since leaving. The Anchor Inn was closed today – shoulder season – so I had lunch at a new spot down the street, BEAR. I’ll go back.

I’ve been looking at river levels and thinking more about my goals for the winter. I get a break on insurance if I stay above 30 degrees latitude, and I’m happy to do that. Florida beyond the panhandle holds little appeal for me.

So I’ve added a few southern rivers to my consideration list. First is the Arkansas River, which goes up to around Tulsa OK from its confluence with the Mississippi below Memphis. I’m researching that.

The Mississippi is in severe drought stage. I’d really like to go down the Mississippi, and the Arkansas meets the big river below Memphis.

More views looking fore and aft. The last picture is Picnic Island just west of Little Current. I thought about stopping there, but pressed on here.


Big boat, little boat

Samantha and Sarah dropped me off in Wiarton yesterday.  My car is in Guelpb, and the motorcycle is in Toronto. Next stop, Chicago.

There are east winds forecast for a couple of days. Not great for the trip out of Georgian Bay. I had a window today, so got underway mid-morning. It was pleasant enougb up to Cabot Head, so I kept heading north. I’m now anchored here, sheltered from the east. This is close to where Susan and I spent a night a few weeks ago.

The autopilot works well. I knew it would. As forecast, the wind blew up when we were halfway up the peninsula. Lots of spray and the occasional violent roll, but all good aboard at ten knots.

Lunch in Little Current tomorrow.

Winter Plans

Bad River

I’ve been back in Wiarton the last few days getting Escapade ready to head south. Finally installed the autopilot from Tin Lizzie. That’s been my plan since my old unit failed on my trip north from Chicago 15 months ago, but it took me a year to find all the pieces. Glad I did.

I’m heading for Chicago, but am not in any rush. Target date for arrival is the end of October. That’s five weeks, assuming I leave Monday or Tuesday. Weather looks benign.

My game plan is to spend the next six months on the rivers. There are a few on my list – the Cumberland, Ohio, and Upper Missisippi – that may be off limits due to weather, but I don’t mind winter cruising. So I’ll leave Chicago the second week of November and see where I fetch up. The first decision point after that is at Cairo IL where the big decision is whether to head up the Ohio or down the Mississippi. I’m leaning towards the latter, but have two months to decide.

I’m excited, and looking forward to being underway again.

Georgian Bay Circle Tour

Bad River

Susan and I had a lovely trip from Parry Sound to Killarney and up into Iroqois Bay and MacGregor Bay, then over to Little Current and down to Wiarton. We were underway for a week. Here’s a sample of her pics.

Escapade is in Wiarton for another week or two while I complete some home projects, then I’ll head out. The current plan is to head for Chicago and into the rivers for the winter.